Original price
GBP £ 15
Converted price

With your gift, you will receive a blank 'Enable Women Refugees to Lead In Football' greetings card that can be sent to a recipient of your choice. Your donation will be used to enable vital human rights work in the UK and around the world - wherever it's needed most.
Becoming part of the local football community can be a life changing experience for women who are refugees in a new country. Our women's football leadership programme provides refugee women with the skills and confidence to take a more active role in grassroots footbalI. It can give them a sense of belonging, on and off the pitch.
This programme plays a vital role in helping women refugees feel part of the local community and reduces social isolation. It also helps support wellbeing and health.
We tailor community activities based on the needs of women who are refugees. Typical activities might include:
* recruiting women from a refugee background to participate in the programme
* hiring translators for trainings and group meetings
* providing support to take part in FA accredited courses
* building skills and confidence to support fun, safe and inclusive football sessions
* running weekly football sessions with our community projects.
Your donation will go to Amnesty International UK Section Charitable Trust.
What are Amnesty's virtual gifts?
Amnesty's virtual gifts are gifts for minimum fuss and maximum impact.
Whether you don't like the idea of buying more 'stuff' for people who have everything; worry about the environmental impact of buying gifts or have simply left things a bit late, our range of virtual gifts could be for you.
With each gift you buy you will receive a greetings card to send to a recipient of your choice and your donation will be used to enable vital human rights work in the UK and around the world.
Last updated: 17/09/24