Willow Preserved Flower Bouquet


Added 29/10/20

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GBP £ 39

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The Willow preserved flower bouquet features stunning gold banksia dryandra flowers and willow eucalyptus to create a stylish flower arrangement that you can admire for up to a year.

Banksia dryandra, formally known as drayandra formosa, is a medium sized shrub with an erect stem and orange yellow flower heads that occur in summer. This modern preserved bouquet has beautiful golden tones and will complement most interior colour schemes.

The flowers are expertly grown, harvested at their peak and then receive a special preservation treatment where the sap is replaced by 100% plant-based glycerine and dyes.

The treatment maintains the cell structure of the plants, leaving them feeling soft and retaining their natural beauty for many months. Making them the perfect maintenance-free solution to filling your home with real flowers and foliage all year round.

The treatment maintains the cell structure of the plants, leaving them feeling soft and retaining their natural beauty for many months. Making them the perfect maintenance-free solution to filling your home with real flowers and foliage all year round.

Stem lengths vary up to 55cm. Vase not included.

As this beautiful preserved flower arrangement won't wilt and does not need water it is suitable for a variety of uses, such as a bridal bouquet, table decorations for weddings, bar & restaurant decorations, gift sending as well as personal or corporate events.

Last updated: 29/10/20

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