The Original Den Kit (Outdoor Toys and Children's Play Tent Gifts. Education/ Camping)
http://thedenkitco.comThe Original Den Kit (Outdoor Toys and Children's Play Tent Gifts. Education/ Camping)
http://thedenkitco.comAdded 29/01/24
Original price
GBP £ 55
Converted price
The authentic, real, pukka, bona fide, truly Original Den Kit. Created especially for the inventive, creative, imaginative, ingenious, truly original you.
Being outdoors - it’s great for our mental and physical health, growth, education and understanding of the world and our place in it. Children thrive in an outdoor environment, which offers them an enduring connection with nature and the freedom to realise their own potential.
Offering every child an outdoor experience whatever the weather, our range of products has been lovingly designed to capture creative imaginations, encourage resourcefulness and innovation, provide escape and sanctuary, and most of all supply hours and hours of simple fun.
Last updated: 29/01/24