Slow Stitched Mini Quilt Kit from Helen Round

Slow Stitched Mini Quilt Kit from Helen Round

Added 07/11/24

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GBP £ 36

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Our new Slow Stitched Mini Quilt Kit is suitable for adults with no previous sewing experience. This is part of a collaboration with talented textile artist Rebekah Johnston. Rebekah creates quilted textiles that explore themes of emotional wellbeing and we've loved working together.

The process of making the quilt is designed to be calm and meditative and you can sew by hand, with no sewing machine needed! You may choose to sew your own design, or use Rebekah's.

You can select from a natural or blue linen lead colours.

The kit contains all the materials you need to make your very own slow stitched mini quilt or wall hanging. Beautiful linen, cottons, a Milliner's needle and backing fabrics are sent to you in a sturdy, reusable cardboard carton.

All teaching is through an instructional video where you can follow along at your own pace, stop, start and listen again as often as you like.

Rebekah guides you gently through the following techniques:

Constructing a quilt sandwich
Approaches to composition
Raw edge appliqué
Hand quilting
Binding with the back of the fabric
Decorative stitch techniques
Each Slow Stitched Quilt Kit contains these items to help you create your lovely quilt.

35cm x 35cm linen backing fabric
30cm x 30cm linen top fabric
30cm x 30cm cotton wadding
Scrap fabrics for appliqué shapes
Perle cotton grey
Perle cotton beige
Milliner’s needle
You will also need pins, scissors (or rotary cutter and mat), means of marking fabric, like tailors chalk, a pencil or a fabric pen and safety pins.

This isn't a project with a time limit. It's designed so that you can do a bit when you like, until you finish your quilt to fit with the rhythm of your life.

We are so pleased to be working with Rebekah on this initiative to help spread the benefits of slow stitching. Let us know how you get on by sharing your work using the hash tag #linenandstich.

You may also be interested in our Slow Stitched Coasters Kit, which uses the same techniques to produce a set of four coasters, for practical use in the home or for framing and putting on your wall!

Last updated: 07/11/24

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