Pisa Preserved Flower Bouquet


Added 07/10/21

Original price

GBP £ 42

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The Pisa preserved flower bouquet took its inspiration from Italy and is made from a selection of Mediterranean flowers and greenery including seed pods and fragrant preserved eucalyptus greenery that you can admire for up to a year.

This stylish preserved bouquet will add a sunny feel to your home.

As this beautiful preserved flower arrangement won't wilt and does not need water it is suitable for a variety of uses, such as a bridal bouquet, table decorations for weddings, bar & restaurant decorations, gift sending as well as personal or corporate events.

The flowers are expertly grown, harvested at their peak and then receive a special preservation treatment where the sap is replaced by 100% plant-based glycerine and dyes.

The treatment maintains the cell structure of the plants, leaving them feeling soft and retaining their natural beauty for many months. Making them the perfect maintenance-free solution to filling your home with real flowers and foliage all year round.

Last updated: 07/10/21

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