Maiden Orange Peacock Feather Wallpaper
2800 x 2800 pixels 2224 KB

Maiden Orange Peacock Feather Wallpaper

Added 02/02/23

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GBP £ 69

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This intricate peacock feather wallpaper can be used to add a touch of glamour and sophistication to any space. Often known for their bright, vibrant colors and delicate patterns, peacock feathers are used as a symbol of beauty and elegance. Using bold lines to highlight the unique pattern of these bird feathers, this design arranges the feathers in a satisfying pattern that is pleasing to the eye. With various colour options available, including grey and blue, this design is flexible enough to be used in almost any room and can be hung on a single standout feature wall, or on multiple walls in a more minimalist setting.

Last updated: 02/02/23

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