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GBP £ 3.99
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A striking globe variety with orange-pink skins and an appealing 'bullseye' formation of red and white rings on the inside, fading to soft pink when cooked.
Sowing info: Direct sow beetroot seeds outdoors from March to July in a weed free, sunny position in fertile, light, well drained soil
Sow beetroot seeds thinly in shallow drills at a depth of 3cm (1") and 30cm (12") apart. Germination will usually take 12 to 24 days. When large enough to handle, thin out the seedlings within each row to 10cm (4") apart, when all risks of frosts has passed.
Harvesting: June, July, August, September, October
Contains approx: 50 seeds
UK delivery only
Last updated: 20/03/25