Original price
GBP £ 49
Converted price

The Kaffraria preserved flower bouquet features protea flowers with eucalyptus foliage and heathery stoebe to create a exotic arrangement that you can admire for up to a year.
Native to South Africa, the protea flower (also called sugarbushes or fynbos) are said to represents change and hope.
This modern preserved bouquet has beautiful jewel tones and will add colour to any room you display them in.
The flowers are expertly grown, harvested at their peak and then receive a special preservation treatment where the sap is replaced by 100% plant-based glycerine and dyes.
The treatment maintains the cell structure of the plants, leaving them feeling soft and retaining their natural beauty for many months. Making them the perfect maintenance-free solution to filling your home with real flowers and foliage all year round.
Last updated: 07/10/21