Join the tidal wave sweeping through PR and dramatically boost press coverage & sales
Press Loft is launching the world's only interiors and gifts specialist affiliate network.

Introducing Press Loft's affiliate network
In the most simple terms, an affiliate network allows publishers (journalists, bloggers and influencers) to promote brands' products and earn a small commission from the sales you get that came from their promotion. When a customer clicks a publisher's link to your website, their affiliate ID is stored in a cookie, within the customer's browser, and when the customer makes a purchase (within a timeframe set by you), the publisher will get a percentage (set by you) of the price paid.
How does it work for brands?

Join our affiliate network
Opt into Press Loft's affiliate network and choose your commission basis and a few other settings

Media promote your products
Our journalists, bloggers and influencers promote your products and use affiliate links.

Get more coverage and sales
Generate more coverage and only pay commission on sales you get which have come from the affiliate link.
Why should you join?

Increased coverage = more sales
When you have affiliate links, you're more likely to be featured, more times, across a range of channels

Receive both print and affiliate coverage
You'll still get your usual free coverage / features from Press Loft media who aren't in our affiliate network.

Easy setup and low maintenance
We have simple plugins for Shopify, WooCommerce and Magento with more integrations coming really soon. It's easy to setup and maintain.

Affiliate marketing is on the rise
Affiliate marketing is becoming more and more vital to increasing your sales - don't get left behind.

Our media members are vetted
Only media who are accepted into our network (vetted by our team) will be able to use your links.

Exclusive launch offer
If you opt in now during our launch, it will be completely free forever, as long as you have a PR plan with Press Loft.
Brands who have already joined our affiliate network
Join over 100 brands who have joined our affiliate network already!

Media using our affiliate network
We have 272 high quality journalists, bloggers and influencers in our affiliate network.

What are the costs for brands involved in affiliate marketing?
Commission on sales
You pay a small commission (percentage chosen by you) on each sale you make through the programme.
Press Loft's commission
Press Loft takes a small payment called an "override commission" for each sale you make through the programme. This is 30% of the commission you set.
Example: If you sell an item for £100.00 with 10% publisher commission - you'll pay the publisher £10.00, and Press Loft £3.
Monthly fee
If you are built on Shopify, WooCommerce or Magento and have a paid Press Loft package then you can opt into the affiliate programme for free until 01/04/23. It will be free for as long as you have an active, maintained PR account with us. We recommend opting in as soon as you can to avoid missing out on this offer. Otherwise, the monthly fee for our affiliate add-on is £75.00 / €90.00 / $90.00 USD / $120 AUD.
Opt into our affiliate network for free£75.00/mth
Free forever
Opt in and install our extension now.
If you opt in now, you'll become part of the affiliate network for free. This means you won't pay any monthly fee for as long as you have a PR plan with Press Loft. You'll only pay the commission on your sales.
Opt in for free