Wellness and positive flows throughout the home are going to be huge interior trends in 2023, according to Woodpecker Flooring.
Here, the wood floor experts share their top tips on how to inject harmony, peace and zen throughout the home:
  1. Enhance natural light: Organise furnishings around windows and doors, swap curtains for lightweight fabrics such as voiles and choose reflective surfaces to really optimise natural light.
  2. Autumnal tones: Choose earthy and natural shades of colour.
  3. Go green: Clear away clutter and replace with a selection of organic accessories such as wood and greenery.
  4. Create your own little hideaway: Space dependant but even the smallest of nooks will work. Add floor cushions, your favourite scented diffuser and some calming background music to allow you to really switch off from the busy world around you (10 minutes a day will do wonders!)
  5. Flow: Create seamless transitions between rooms to maximise space and create a natural flow throughout the home.
Creating a spacious look is key and regardless of the room size, these tips will certainly help enhance the feeling of space. To help create a seamless transition between rooms, Woodpecker Flooring has the perfect solution – Woodpecker Families; a special selection of matching floors in different board formats which complement one another effortlessly.
With a choice of planks, wide planks, herringbone, large herringbone and chevron floor designs, all matching in colour and finish, it’s never been so easy to create a spacious feel with seamless transitions between rooms.
Darwyn Ker, Managing Director of Woodpecker Flooring, explained: “The creation of Woodpecker Families means homeowners can lay herringbone, chevrons and planks side by side, without worrying about different wood finishes or board thickness.

“This will allow them to create a seamless transition between different rooms which really homes in on the trend for wellness and harmonious interiors.”
About Woodpecker Flooring
Woodpecker is a family-run business with a heritage in the timber industry that goes back three generations.

Founded nearly 50 years ago by Bruce Ker, a skilled craftsman who loved teaching people how to work with wood, the Woodpecker tradition is continued today by his son Nelson and grandson Darwyn.

Since the very beginning, Woodpecker have been passionate about designing and sourcing the finest wooden floors.

Their dedication starts in the forest. Woodpecker only use responsibly sourced wood with full FSC® or PEFC certifications, selecting the trees before they are felled and paying close attention to how they are sawn, stacked and dried.

The dry wood is then kilned twice for maximum stability before being machined. Centuries-old hand-finishing techniques - such as lacquering, oiling and antiquing the wood - further enhance its natural beauty.

It’s fair to say, nobody knows or cares more about wood than Woodpecker.

Headquartered in Caerphilly, Woodpecker currently offer over 60 flooring options in real wood, engineered wood and bamboo which retails online and at nationwide stockists.

For more information: https://woodpeckerflooring.co.uk/