Get back to school ready with the ESSENTIAL water bottle stretchy sleeve from Bottlesoc. 



Created during lockdown in 2020, Bottlesoc is the brainchild of Clare Davis, mum to four children and lots of lost and damaged school water bottles. Say's Clare, "I was so fed up with the kids losing their water bottles or getting them mixed up with someone else's that I just had to design a solution for it and Bottlesoc sleeves were born".


Although it took a few years for Clare to design the patterns and bring the product to market, it seems that Bottlesoc sleeves are here to stay! "I see so many people today who struggle with all the daily stuff they carry around in their hands, like car keys and phone and then they have a water bottle tucked under their arm. Why not just pop it in a bottle sleeve and carry it over your shoulder instead?"


All of Bottlesoc's water bottle sleeves can be personalised with your child's name on, to help solve the 'guess whose water bottle this is' problem. They also have an adjustable strap on them so they can be worn over the shoulder or carried across the body. Bottlesoc sleeves also have the all-essential safety snap release catch on them for added peace of mind.


All you have to decide, is what you want your Bottlesoc water bottle sleeve to say!