With christmas just around the corner, gift lists are starting to get written, with people focusing less on ‘how much does this cost?’, and more on ‘how eco-friendly is this product?’
Here at Bottlesoc, with our sights set firmly on sustainability, we created our product to help drinks bottles last longer and go further, by preventing them from getting damaged in the first place.
Just like a protective case for your phone, but for your water bottle!
Not only for your re-usable drinks bottles, Bottlesoc can also be used to protect single-use plastic bottles, so they don’t get thrown in the bin straight away!
By extending the life of any drinks bottle, especially single-use plastic ones, you’re helping reduce the need to keep buying new.
As well as being fully washable, to prevent the spread of surface contamination, your Bottlesoc now comes with a fully adjustable strap. So, you can take your personalised product with you wherever you go, hands free. Now what’s not to love about that?!