Is your mother, wife or sister a fervent cook? Show your appreciation for the meals she prepares by getting her
some useful kitchen gadgets that are cute, fun and useful -- all at the same time. And you don’t need to wait for
her birthday or Christmas for you to give her these fun and quirky kitchen gifts. Chances are, she’d be too
thrilled and wonder why you never gave it earlier.
So if you’re looking to brighten up her day at the kitchen and make cooking an even more fun of an adventure,
here are some cute little things you can add to her culinary arsenal:
1. Agatha Spoon Holder and Steam Releaser
Agatha is a cute little purple witch that will sit astride your spoon and prevent the pot’s lid from closing down.
Release the steam from your pot of soup or stew with the lid just slightly-closed as Agatha does her trick.