Heath Pink Wall Tile


Added 24/04/24

Original price

GBP £ 50.42

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Better-lived walls
These charming tiles are exactly what’s needed to create walls and splashbacks that are full of character.

To put it simply, there’s a lot to love about them. With irregular edges, deliberate flaws and glazes that add a shine, they look and feel hand-crafted, although they’re actually created using state-of-the-art technology.

But for us, it’s the colour that really sets the scene. The pinkish tones will help you create a bathroom or kitchen that’s vibrant, warm and welcoming; one foot in the past but completely on trend. A matching decorative tile is also available, if you’d like to elevate your room that little bit more.

Price is per m²

Last updated: 24/04/24

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